Depauw Dermatology
Contact /Emergency
Email should be clear, short (max 5 lines) and include full personal information (first name, last name, date of birth, phone number - where you can be reached).
No medical consultation can be
given by phone or email. If in doubt, please book a consultation.
Medical matters:
In case of medication side effects/intolerance, post-operation situation, post-injection situation
Average response time: 48 h
Do not send email reminders during this waiting period
In case of emergency, seek rapidly for help (see below) + send an email to the dermatologist for follow-up
Administrative matters:
In case of medication renewal not requiring re-evaluation
Average response time: 10 days
Do not send email reminders during this waiting period
Please be aware that this email box is
only consulted:
during office hours (not evening)
on working days (not weekends, public holidays or Doctor holidays)
Emergency or urgent consultation
According to the situation, please
Your Family Doctor – office hours
Doctor on call : ✆ 1733 – out of office hours
Nearby Hospital Dermatological Department (Sint maria, Erasme, Brachops, St Pierre, …) – office hours
Nearby Hospital Emergency Department
Vital emergency: ✆ 112
Ambulance : ✆ 112